Hey Rudolph!

During the Christmas season of 2023, I discovered a profound truth in a childhood classic. As a young child in the early 1970s, every year, I would look forward to all the Christmas programs that would come on television. One of my favorites was the story of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. Although the story of Rudulph was intended for children, there is a profound truth that we should all understand.

Several classic Christmas songs have been written about the beloved character. The most famous written by Gene Autry and The Pinafores goes:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Had a very shiny nose

And if you ever saw it

You would even say it glows

All of the other reindeer

Used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph

Join in any reindeer games

Let’s pause at this point in the song to consider the following:

  • Rudolph was born with a red shiny nose, which he did not ask for

  • His red shiny nose was different from all the other reindeer

  • He could cause his nose to glow brightly

  • The other reindeer saw Rudolph’s nose as something funny

  • Because of the oddness of Rudolph’s nose, he was not allowed to play with the other reindeer

  • Also, based on the animated story, his father attempted to cover Rudolph’s nose with coal dust to make it black like other reindeer 

Now, let's resume the lyrics of the song.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve

STOP! Here’s where the profound truth begins. A situation occurs that is not within anyone's control. The fog has become so thick, on Christmas Eve, that Santa can’t navigate to deliver presents around the world. Unless the fog clears, Christmas must be canceled. 

Now, let's resume the lyrics of the song.

Santa came to say

"Rudolph, with your nose so bright

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Before this weather event on Christmas Eve, Santa and many others perceived no value in Rudolph. The foggy Christmas Eve did not give Rudolph value, it only revealed the value that Rudolph always had.

This is the profound truth; “Everyone has value; everyone has talents”, we only need to expose ourselves to the right situation or endeavor to display our value.

The song lyric concludes:

Then how the reindeer loved him

As they shouted out with glee

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

You'll go down in history"

Although your uniqueness may not be recognized by others or even yourself as valuable, just keep exposing yourself to opportunities to be of service to others and your true value will shine, like Rodulph’s nose.

Hey Rudolph!


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