Coaching Methodology

“What’s STRONG with you?”

That twist on the familiar phrase “What’s WRONG with you?” could mean the difference between success and failure. People who focus on correcting or changing what they may perceive as being wrong with them waste time and energy. However, people who identify what is strong with themselves and utilize those talents each day, find success and happiness. 

At Buckner Life Coaching, we believe the best way to determine your talents is through scientifically proven assessments. We use two highly accurate and scientifically proven assessment tools to determine a deep understanding of our coaching clients. Our assessment tools focus on learning your core talents and your inborn temperament. With the results of our assessment tools and focused, personalized coaching, you can:

  • Achieve life goals

  • Define the best career path

  • Eliminate destructive behaviors & addictions

  • Find & maintain positive relationships

  • Increase your earning potential

  • and much more

Everyone has value because everyone has talents.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.