The 3 E’s of Talent

Maybe you're one of the many people who have yet to discover your talents. It's more common than you may think. But fear not, the truth is, recognizing your talents can be surprisingly easy. Just keep an eye out for the "3 E's":


You're trying something new, and suddenly you're a natural. For that task, learning came quickly and almost felt effortless. You say to yourself, “That was easy”. That's a good sign you may have a talent brewing!


Not only did you pick up the task fast, but you also ended up creating something impressive. Others take notice and recognize your excellence in the task. Not only that; you too are impressed by what you’ve done. This is a double win!


Okay. Here's the icing on the cake. You're not just great at the task, you loved doing it. It was so enjoyable, you can’t wait to do it again. Now, it changes from a task you do for others, to a task you do for yourself in which others benefit.

If all three “E's” come together, there's no doubt you've stumbled upon a genuine talent. So next time you find yourself effortlessly excelling at something you enjoy, don't ignore it! You might be on the verge of discovering your purpose and how you add value to the world.


I Dare You


What are you building?